Campus Fee Information

The University of Nebraska at Kearney has campus fee policies to establish new student fees or to request a change to an existing fee. Campus fee policies will be included in the Campus Policies links below.  Student Fee information can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Campus Course, Laboratory, and Miscellaneous Fee Policy

University Program and Facilities (UPFF) Fund B Policy

Student Fees

Mandatory Student Fees 

Mandatory student fees are defined as amounts which are directly assessed to all enrolled, graduate and undergraduate students, are required to be paid with tuition, and are generally dedicated to specific purposes. Mandatory student fees include the following:

University Program and Facilities Fees (UPFF)
Fund A – That portion of UPFF designated for student activities which are managed by student groups shall be distributed according to an annual budget developed by the appropriate student government organization on each campus.

Current UPFF Fund A Fees:

  1. Student Activity Fee

Fund B – That portion of the UPFF designated to pay debt services, staff salaries, maintenance of facilities and related expenses, and those additional items designated by the Chancellor will be budgeted separately with emphasis upon continuing support.

Current UPFF Fund B Fees:

  1. Health & Counseling Fee
  2. Student Events Fee
  3. Student Union Fee
  4. Facilities Fee
  5. Wellness Center Fee

Other Mandatory Miscellaneous Fees (non-UPFF)

Current Other Mandatory Miscellaneous Fees (Non-UPFF):

  1. ID Card Fee
  2. Technology Fee
  3. Library Fee
  4. Student Records Fee
  5. Academic Success Fee
  6. Intercultural Engagement & Leadership Fee
  7. Undergraduate Research Fellows Fee

Generally mandatory fees are assessed to all enrolled students with limited exception:

  • Each academic term, Fund A fees are refundable upon request within 30 days from the start of the term.
  • Fees may be partially refundable upon withdrawal according to the tuition and fee refund schedule included in the 体育菠菜大平台 Schedule of Classes

Non-Mandatory Student Fees

Course, Laboratory and Miscellaneous Fees

Course Fee.  A charge established to cover the costs related to a particular course.

Laboratory Fee.  A charge made to students to underwrite, in whole or in part, the cost of service, rentals, and consumable supplies utilized in a laboratory environment.

Miscellaneous Fee (Non-Mandatory).   A charge incidental to the providing of instruction.  Examples of Non-Mandatory Miscellaneous fees are application fees, transcript fees, teacher placement fees, special instructional fees, late payment fees, and returned check fees.

Use and Restrictions on Student Fees
Student fees can generate a significant amount of revenue to support campus programs. Unexpended student fee revenue in revolving fund centers carries over for use in future years. Departments should monitor surplus student fee balances so that they do not become excessive. Large surplus balances may indicate that the student fee should be reduced or eliminated due to a change in program needs. Student fees cannot be used to support general department operating budgets or to cover budget reductions. Generally, student fees should be expended only for the intended purpose for which the fees were collected and as documented in detail on the fee proposal request form.